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Business Sophistication  Part 3

The advancement in human activities has also affected the level of businessing all over the world. Here is another important area that we must fortify ourselves so as to benefit from the gains that today’s business terrain brings.

Your Minute

When I say a minute, I mean time. Time is your most precious resource in the war field. Every war takes place at a center stage called time. It’s the same time that winners emerge that there are dozens of losers. The difference lies in their usage of time.

That is to say, your success or failure is dependent on how you utilize your time; you don’t have eternity to fight a particular war. A wise man once said, ‘Each day has its duty don’t postpone it till tomorrow’.

time as resource in business

 The Law of Forced Efficiency says that there is never enough time to do everything, but there is enough time to do the most important thing. In business war-front, there’s no time for pleasantries – it’s either business or nothing. Learn to say no to an activity that takes much time from you and contributes so little.

Those who are masters of time are often masters of events that turn out with time. The indispensable key to time management is concentration – the ability to focus single-mindedly on one thing, the most important thing, and to stay with it until it is completed.

Next to it, there is time to let things happen, and a time to make things happen as the war tempers. And you need wisdom to differentiate between the two.

This would enable you to respond appropriately to the situations as they come.

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